Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Senzu’s Top 10 tips for a fabulous Wedding Day.

With the Royal wedding bells still ringing in our ears, the 2011 wedding season is off to a great start. Sitting at Bronte’s Compass Restaurant recently, we witnessed at least 3 wedding parties taking pictures! Are you getting married this year or will you be attending a wedding? These tips will help you look fabulous and relaxed on the Big Day, whether you’re the bride or not!

Senzu’s Wedding Day Top 10 Tips:

10. Be a Girl Scout! Last thing you want to do is be stressed out on what’s supposed to be your special day. So plan ahead and be prepared. Keep a journal or to-do list to keep track of things to organise, and start on it early. 

9. Call in the troops! Whether you are planning a big event or a small gathering, with or without bridesmaids, don’t try to do everything by yourself. Involve your friends, sisters or husband-to-be. They’ll feel honored to be part of the big day and proud to have helped make it a success. 

8. Be Budget Savvy! Determine what you can afford to spend on your wedding and stay within it. Make a list of all the expenses related to the big day (dress, minister, flowers, tux rentals, thank-you gifts, marriage license, limo rental, entertainment, food, hall rental, etc., etc.) and figure out where to save and where you can afford to splurge. You don’t want to start your married life with a debt from your wedding day expenses. If you're in the Toronto area, this Senzu Style Insider recommends Bizou Catering for fabulous food and service at affordable prices. 

7. It’s your party, do what you want to! Personalize your big day by making it unique to you. Get married on a boat; in your back yard; in your bare feet; in a purple dress; by your uncle the priest; wearing your mom’s wedding dress from the 70s; eloping to Alaska; or whatever! Make it your unique wedding event, and you and everyone will remember it forever!

6. Take it Easy! Make sure you get enough sleep in the few days before your wedding day. Nobody’s expected to sleep well the night before (jitters!), so get enough rest leading up to the big day; you’ll feel less stressed and look better too! 

5. Smile! You’re getting married! The wedding day is just the beginning of the journey. Even if something does not go exactly to plan, take a breath and enjoy the rest of the day.

4. Dress Rehearsal. Lay out your entire wedding day outfit(s) the day before. Having everything ready for you when you get up on the day itself, including your make-up and hair accessories (if you’re doing your hair yourself), will allow you a few extra minutes to enjoy the calm before the storm, and you won’t be able to forget anything! 

3. Eat that! Make sure to have something to eat for breakfast. Preferably something low-fat (non-bloating), with slow-releasing carbohydrates, such as oatmeal with blueberries, a nice bowl of granola with nuts and yoghurt or brown toast with a bit of fruit. You’ll need your energy for this busy day, and a solid breakfast will keep you on your feet, feeling better longer. 

2. Emergency Kit: Check! It’s a good idea to put together a small kit with items that may come in handy in a pinch. Put items such as a travel-sized sewing kit (including a couple safety pins!), clear nail polish (for panty hose/stocking runs), an extra set of panty hose or stockings, aspirin in a small bag. Other handy items would be tissues, mints, tampons, hand cream, and band-aids. Have your bridesmaid, a family member or a friend hang on to it for you on the big day. 

1. Wear jewelry that you’ll use again! Senzu has a gorgeous range of pearl, crystal and natural jewelry that will allow you to express your happiness and compliment your gown and overall look completely, without breaking the bank. And you’ll be able to wear it again and again, with jeans, cocktail dress or to the office. 
Browse our extensive, 200+ jewels for the entire wedding party (they make great bridesmaids’ gifts too!), including mom and the groom!

Finally, there's The Ultimate Women's Show coming up this weekend in Hamilton. It's a great opportunity to get your girlfriends together and get some wedding shopping done, as there will be over 150 different booths with event organizers, fashion designers, wedding companies, venues, jewelry and much more. Senzu will be there also, please come see us at booth 236! For more info, check our Facebook Event Page
Have a great Wedding Day! 
Your Senzu Style Insider,


    1. Cris you have got to send me these pics. These are the ones i should have on the wedding website. Please email them to me. WOW!
