Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is not a jewelry blog post

Rene Magritte - This is not a Pipe
and this is not a post about
jewelry, or is it? ;-)

“Many of life's failures come from people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison.
I thought it would be a nice change to talk about something other than Senzu jewellery for a change (though I am always happy to talk about that!). So I thought it would be more interesting to give you a bit of an insight as to why we started Senzu, and what challenges come with building your own business. 
Playful Metal Colours Necklace
& matching bracelets
The quote this post started with was tweeted by Bear Grills, one of my favorite personalities on the Discovery Channel. I love his ‘can do’ attitude towards any situation he’s dropped into or that crosses his path. In one way, he is the ultimate boy scout; always prepared. On the other hand, he improvises when he does not have a particular tool to get him out of a pickle. When he can’t have elk steak in some tundra he’s stuck in, he opts for catching something or eating bugs. Ok, I would not go that far, but the underlying idea is flexibility and adaptation to your environment. It was also tweeted the same day by Anthony Robbins, the well-known self-improvement and inspirational speaker. The bottom line is, don’t give up too soon! If you truly believe in a project or concept, the business model and the strategy, then go do it! Nay-sayers be damned ;-)
Multi-Tone Metal Chain Necklace
For me, I always wanted to get back into in the jewelry industry. Many years ago, when living overseas, for a while I worked with another jewelry company that used a proven, no-pressure networking sales method and I got a taste of it, and ever since then it was always in the back of my mind to return to that industry. 

If I had given up on this idea for a jewelry business concept over 15 years ago, Senzu would not exist today. Timing is everything, and the rest is enthusiasm and perseverance! 

So if you’ve ever had the idea to start your own business, work for yourself (no boss!) or work from home, then why not grab the bull by the horns and make 2011 your year? There are lots of options out there, a Senzu Stylist bring one of them. 

Next blog post I'll talk about the advantages and challenges of being your own boss as well as working from home. 
Until then, Style it Up and Happy Year of the Rabbit!

Cristel, your Senzu Style Insider


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